We played a few games with them- little sally walker, duck duck goose, red rover- and then read books with them. We were only there for a few hours because we had lunch reservations at a lodge down the street... I felt really bad that we also planned to go to lodge for a buffet and swimming after our trip to the orphanage. But we did pitch in a bunch of money to buy them 75 pounds of rice, beans, loaves of bread, soap, and some meat. I made good friends with a few of the kids but wasn't able to get their names.. But I did get to read a few books to them and swing them around the yard. Hopefully we'll be able to go back soon! It was a lot of fun.
Here are some pictures from the trip..

watoto playing little sally walker

caroline, jackie, and miriam playing with the kids
We left the orphanage right before lunch and got to the Serena Lodge right as the buffet opened (going to a lodge seems so contradictory to every reason that we came here). Buttttt the buffet was probably the best meal I've had since I've been here. There was beef brisket, grilled chicken (without all the bones mm), REAL salad!, spicy vegetable curry, fried buttery fish, seasonal veggies, a wide cheese assortment, lasagna!!!, fresh fruit, and delicious desserts! If any of you ever make it big and decide to come to africa to have a very non-africa experience, I recommend you stay here (http://www.serenahotels.com/tanzania/lakemanyara/home.asp) The pool was just as great as the buffet. The whole resort was on the side of the rift valley, overlooking lake manyara, and so was the pool. We got a few drinks, that were about 10 $$$ each.. and headed out right before dinner time.
After Serena Lodge we went to a curio shop down the street to buy some souvenirs. I got some pretty cool things, most gifts so I shouldn't write what I bought for you all to read.
Oh and recently it's been pretty rainy and it seems like it's having an effect on the size of the bugs.. I've been seeing a bunch of gigantic bugs around camp recently; gigantic moths (8? inch wing span), bigbig praying mantis, huge stick bug at least 9 inches long. Hopefully it won't get much worse.. I'm already freaking out about the huge moths. If you didn't know I have a strange fear of moths for some reason. I think it's their sporadic flying patterns- they fly in one direction and the next second they're dive bombing your face. And the disturbing sound of their wings fluttering. There's been one in the bathroom for a really long time and I think it finally died. It nested on the ceiling and would spaz out every night. I feel like they're too big to even fly because they can barely get off the ground.
A girl told me that the reason they fly around lights is because they use the moon to navigate so they get confused now with the advent of electricity. Stupid ass bugs. Electricity has been around for a long time, you'd think natural selection would've kicked in by now.

no pictures of the moth but I'll get one soon
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